The Huntingtons of McKenna Downs (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 22
Shane had Egyptian-blue eyes. Something about their shape gave his intense stare an element of darkness that said he had a dangerous edge about him that was as sexual as it was evocative of a villain in a movie.
“Then, if that’s true, tell me your name.” She folded her arms, nipples firming when his eyes descended there briefly before returning to her face.
She felt his sexy smirk deep in the pit of her stomach. “It’s Shane.”
He was a six-foot-tall wet dream and packed with muscle. His white T-shirt was snug around the arms but baggy in the torso. He had on light jeans and tennis shoes with it, but the way he wore it was unforgettable.
His brown hair was buzzed quite short with a prominent widow’s peak on his high forehead. His Roman nose and the scant dusting of stubble on his face added to the almost painful intensity of his masculinity.
“It’s nice to meet you, Shane. I’m Kendall.”
They shook hands and she felt like she’d been touched sexually. His heated gaze, the sheer maleness of him, and the chemistry between them left her feeling naked and damp.
“Kendall. I’ve heard about you.”
“Good things, I hope.”
He grinned. “Very good things.”
Her belly clenched.
Shane’s voice wasn’t deep like Quentin’s or lyrical like René’s. It was a fairly normal-sounding voice, but there was something in it that, when paired with his face, exuded an overwhelming level of sex appeal. His vocals had a sassy, masculine quality to them, like a bad boy on the wrong side of the law, but not so evil that he couldn’t be sympathized with or redeemed in some way.
“Have you been with Justin yet?”
Her eyes popped open. “Um, no, we’re just friends.”
“Just checking. If you were, I’d have to ask what your intentions are with him. I don’t want him getting hurt.”
“What about your other brothers?”
Shane waved her off. “Nah, you can break their hearts. They’re men. They can handle it. Justin’s still young and innocent.” He gave a slight roll of his eyes. “Well, relatively so.”
“He’s a sweetheart. René mentioned you own the BDSM club in town.”
“Yeah, Aiden and I own it. Have they taken you there yet?”
“No not yet. They said you were one of those full-time Doms. What’s that like?”
A slow smile pulled at his lips. “Is that something you’re interested in?”
“Not me. I’m a feminist. You know, girl power.”
Oh my god, you sound like an idiot! “Hi, I’m Kendall. Girl power. Drrr!”
“I don’t know why I said that,” she admitted, trying to fend off the flush in her cheeks.
He smirked. “You’re nervous. It’s okay. I have that effect on people sometimes.”
“Sorry. I’m not normally like this.”
“Just with me, huh?”
She blushed at his teasing smile.
“Hang on. I’ve got to get the door.” Shane went into the other room.
A minute later, he came back into the kitchen where she was. Something about his gait and confidence along with that hard, penetrating stare warned the tempted that they should say no and run the other way, but that cocky swagger and cunning smile exuded irresistible charisma that said the man behind it knew damned well that the person would never be able to walk away from him.
“It was just my father. He’s looking for Quentin and René. You seen them?”
“They left early this morning to take care of some things. I’m not sure where they went.”
“No worries.”
It was almost ridiculous, the effect the Huntington men had on her. Maybe it was a good thing she wasn’t staying put forever. If she lived here with them, she’d be in a constant state of arousal. It might make it hard to get anything else done.
“I’ll have you meet him,” Shane said, walking out of the kitchen just enough to get his father’s attention. “They’re not here, Dad! Their fiancée is here with me in the kitchen if you want to meet her!”
Fiancée? That was a flattering thought, but not entirely accurate. René and Quentin were trying to get her to stay, but nobody had dropped to their knees and shown her a big, shiny ring yet.
“I’m kind of a mess.”
She fumbled with her hair self-consciously. If she’d known she’d be introduced to the Huntingtons’ father, she’d have worn something classier than gray yoga pants and a white tank top with a black hoodie over it. She was barefoot, too, which was a little awkward for meeting her boyfriends’ dad.
Shane scanned her head to toe, getting a demon look in his eyes. “You look good to me.”
Her body warmed. “Thanks.”
Hart Huntington walked in. He was a stout man with a brown mustache and not much hair beneath his brown Stetson.
“Dad, this is Kendall. Kendall, my father.”
Hart took his hat off like a real gentleman and shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Kendall. My boys go on and on about you.”
“They’re good men.”
“You haven’t spent enough time with them.”
She smiled, getting jittery at Shane’s smirk. “Quentin and René left this morning. I can let you know when they get back, if you like.”
Hart waved her off. “Don’t bother. It’s not urgent. They’ll turn up eventually.”
“I’m making dinner. If you want to eat with us, I can make extra.”
“That’s all right. I’ve got a lot of work to do. I’m closing the feed store tonight, but I might take you up on that offer sometime.” He looked between the two of them and then patted Shane on the back. “Try not to get into too much trouble.”
“See you later,” Shane said.
“It was nice to meet you,” Kendall told him.
Hart put his cowboy hat back on. “It was good to meet you, too. You seem like a good fit from what they’ve told me. Take care.”
He headed out.
The front door opened and closed after Hart had already left. A moment later she heard Charlie’s voice. “Where you at, baby? I’m gonna shave that pussy!”
Oh lord, Shane was standing right there. Kendall put her hand to her face to hide her embarrassment.
Shane looked like he might laugh. “She’s in here!”
A few seconds later, Charlie walked into the kitchen carrying a plastic shopping bag. “Shane. I brought some stuff to shave you with, Red. I’ve got an ass plug with me, too. René’s smaller than me, so I figured you’d need it.”
She rolled her eyes.
“You want to watch?”
“Charlie!” she shrieked.
Charlie shrugged. “What? It’s not like I passed you off to the grocer. I’m keeping it in the family.”
“Oh my god.”
“Well, Quen ain’t blood, but he’s still family.”
Shane smiled. “I’ve actually got some stuff I’ve got to take care of. Thanks anyway.”
“Your loss.” Charlie put his hand on her back and led her to one of the bathrooms. “Come on, baby. It’ll be fun.”
She went with him, saying good-bye to Shane on his way out.
Charlie closed the bathroom door and locked it. “Off with those clothes, woman. I want you naked.”
She stripped and then got into the shower with him. He shed his clothing but left his boxers on. God, he looked hot. Those flat, washboard abs were carved and beautiful. She wanted to run her hands over them and lick the lean, muscled ridges.
He used a plastic cup to dump water on her pussy before applying shaving cream and then shaving away her pubic hair.
“I’ve missed this,” he admitted.
Her heart smiled. “I have, too.”
“Which one of those bastards took away your asshole’s innocence?”
Well, there was a real classy way of putting it.
“René,” she said quietly.
Charlie tensed. “Figures.”
They were quiet for
a bit while he shaved her.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He looked up from what he was doing. “For giving your ass up to the wrong man, or for lying about your sexual orientation?”
“Both, and for breaking up with you. I wasn’t okay with sharing back then, but I am now.”
“I told you sooner or later you’d end up wanting it.”
He rinsed away the foamy mess until her mons was sleek and smooth.
“I do, but I can’t stay. New York has lots of opportunities for -”
He put a finger to her lips. “Don’t talk. If you want to say you’re sorry to me, tell me I was right about us and you were wrong.”
She gave him an annoyed look. “Really? You’re thirty-six and you want to say ‘I told you so’?”
“I’m waiting.”
“Fine, you were right about us and I was wrong.”
“That’s more like it. You’re still not coming.”
“Damn it, Charlie. I’m wet and achy.”
He started to gloat. “Good. Serves you right. If you’re a good girl, I’ll take you to the club with me soon and you can give that ass up to me like I know you want to. I’ll let you come then a bunch of times.”
“That sounds like fun.”
“It will be. We’ll go on Halloween. You can wear a slutty costume.”
“Maybe I want to wear a modest one.”
He looked at her and they both tittered. “Yeah right. You’ve never been shy about showing off those tits. It’s what I love about you.”
She smirked. “That was what got you, huh?”
He winked at her. “The only thing.”
“I see.”
He brushed her naked sex with the backs of his fingers with an expression on his face that said he loved it. “There were some other things that reeled me in, too. I’ve never met another woman like you.”
There were times he pissed her off, but then he said something heartfelt or offered a sweet gesture that showed her how much he loved her and she fell in love with him all over again.
When the doorbell rang, he got his clothes back on. “I’ve got to get that. You can towel off now.”
“Thanks for shaving me. I forgot how much I loved being bare down there. It feels so soft.”
“You’ll love it even more when I go down on you.”
Cream spilled into her folds.
“Halloween is weeks away. I can’t wait that long, Charlie. I need you inside me now.”
“You could take me to the club on Halloween and have my ass then, but my pussy needs you now. I want to feel your mouth on me. I always came so hard with you.”
“Jesus, woman, what are you trying to do to me? Hell, I can’t wait either. I was just gonna let you suck my cock for the next few weeks and deny you.”
“I don’t think so! I’m not sucking your cock while you tease me for weeks and then demand my ass. Who the fuck do you think you are, mister?”
“I was trying to tell you I’m not waiting. I’m gonna fuck that hot little cunt until you scream and make you come again and—”
The doorbell rang again.
“Fuck. I want it now. Why’d you have to go and get me worked up for?”
She gave him a saucy look. “Now you know what it feels like.”
They stared at each other for a fleeting moment before he broke out into a wanton smile. “Quit distracting me from letting the poor bastard in.”
She grinned. “Sorry.”
Kendall dried herself and then got dressed. When she left the bathroom, she found Charlie in the living room making out with Quentin. The sight jarred her. Charlie was bisexual? So was Quentin? It was fine by her...unless they liked getting nasty with each other more than they liked fooling around with her.
She must have gasped, because they quit mauling each other’s faces like fighting bears and turned to look at her.
“I knew you weren’t straight.” She backed away, but Charlie hurried over and kept her there.
“Baby, there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“There is if you like him better.”
“I love you both the same.”
Her lips parted in shock. “You love him?”
“Since we were teenagers. It doesn’t change how I feel about you.” He frowned. “What are you shaking your head at me for?”
“I don’t have a cock.”
“You’d better not. I like you for being female.”
“I meant there’s no way I can give you a blow job as good as he can. You’ll compare me. I can’t—”
“You share your pussy with him and my brothers. I’m not worried about being compared.”
“That’s because you’re arrogant.”
Quentin chuckled.
“It’s because I’m the best,” Charlie corrected her. “I don’t compare you. I like men for their masculinity and women for their femininity. They’re two different kinds of sex and I love them both equally. Don’t ever worry about that. You both mean the world to me.”
Kendall crossed her arms. “Whose mouth do you prefer on your cock?”
“We don’t have to play this game.”
“I knew it.” She unfolded her arms, preparing to leave the room.
“Baby, wait. He’s got a dick. He knows what it feels like to have it sucked on and he’s done plenty of sucking, too. That’s all he does.”
Quentin smirked. “Yes, Charlie, from dawn until dusk, cock-sucking is my sole focus.”
Charlie gestured toward him with a humored smile. “You see, he admits it. It’s just the blow jobs that are better with him, but—”
“It’s no different than if you were to be eaten out by a woman experienced with giving and receiving oral sex,” Quentin explained. “It would be even better than what we give you.”
Charlie scowled at him. “Don’t tell her that. It doesn’t get any better than us.”
She laughed lightly. “Trying to keep me in the dark, huh?”
His eyes narrowed on her. “Don’t get any ideas.”
She felt warm and gooey inside when he took her hand in his.
“You’re the best oral sex I’ve ever had with a woman. Every other type of sex with you is just as good as what he gives me. Kissing you is just as wonderful as kissing him. You’re even sweet enough to give up your ass to me soon. You think Quen does that?”
“You’re going to give me yours,” Quentin said.
“Don’t you start,” Charlie scolded. His face softened when he focused on her again. “I love you both the same.”
She smiled and caressed his cheek. “I love you both, too. I’m sorry. I just had this gay or bi-curious ex who cheated on me. I was just worried—”
“I’m yours, Kendall, and his. I’ve never cheated on either one of you and I won’t. I’ve always known I needed a man and a woman to keep me satisfied. That’s why I didn’t marry him when he asked me years ago because I hadn’t found a woman yet. Then, with you, I kept insisting that I wanted you shared because I can’t live without Quen either. Both of you complete me.”
She hugged him. “Thank you. That makes me feel better. I’ll try to get some tips from Quentin.”
“You don’t have to do that. I love your mouth.”
She heard the pleasure in Quentin’s voice. “I would be happy to show you on him.”
Kendall felt Charlie’s cock plump through his jeans. She could only imagine how thrilling it would be to see them rolling around naked in bed together.
She pulled back and shot a quizzical glance between them. “You guys don’t have anal sex with each other?”
Charlie rolled his eyes and stepped back. “Don’t get him started.”
Quentin wore a defiant smile. “Charlie is too afraid he’ll enjoy bottoming for me. He has his pride.”
“I think it would be hot seeing you take his cock up your ass,” she purred, petting Charlie’s arms.
“I saw you wink at him, woman. Don’t you us
e your wiles on me,” Charlie said with an annoyed smile.
She grinned and turned her attention to Quentin. “I tried.”
“We’ll seduce him yet,” Quentin assured her.
“I’m nobody’s butt boy.”
She cracked up.
Charlie gave her a slow smile. “It’s true.”
“Well, at least I got to see you make out with him.”
Quentin gave her a lusty smile. “Anytime. We’ll find a way to seduce you as well.”
“You guys already have.”
“You know what I mean.”
Her spirit sank. She did know what he meant and the impasse was killing her.
Chapter Seventeen
A cold October wind blew as Justin walked out of the beauty store with his bag of goodies. He was gonna be hot stuff after sprucing himself up. Not that he ever stopped being hot, but all the man-beauty fixings never hurt.
He got really happy when he saw his boss, Aiden, across the street pumping gas. The black sweater couldn’t hide his bulging arms, and his gray carpenter pants were slightly baggy with just the right fit in all the right places. It was different seeing him in casual wear since he always wore either suits or sometimes leather at the club. He looked incredible either way.
A buzz told him he got a text. Justin felt torn when he saw that it was his sexy Jasmine puma. At least he assumed she was sexy. They still hadn’t exchanged pictures yet. The mystery was upping the steam factor. He wanted to read it, but what if Aiden drove away before he got a chance to go over and say hi? He wouldn’t see the man for a whole two days. Madness!
Justin stuck his cell phone back into his pocket without reading the message and crossed the street over to the gas station.
Aiden was on the phone with someone. “He’s nineteen, for Christ’s sake. What teenager willingly spends so much time with a man in his forties? He should be going to parties, spendin’ time with his girlfriend, or lookin’ at feckin’ schools.”
A beefy, bodybuilder-looking biker Justin had seen before at Leather & Lace approached. His name was Heller Enos, if he remembered right. He’d seen the man riding a Harley around before. Heller looked like a real badass with his Arnold-sized guns, his facial hair, and big, bald head. He wore ripped jeans, brown hiking boots, and a rock band shirt that Justin couldn’t read through the open denim jacket that had a few patches on it. Probably the colors of the Princes of Hell motorcycle club Heller was rumored to be in.