The Huntingtons of McKenna Downs (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 24
He’d been friends with Aiden for a few years, but he didn’t really know him. Neither did anyone else.
Justin had been in Aiden’s life for several months and Aiden had confided in him things he didn’t seem to want anyone else to know.
Shane hoped he was wrong. Maybe Aiden wasn’t interested in Justin. It could be the reason he’d blown up before leaving the saloon.
Then again, maybe he had something to hide.
* * * *
On Halloween night, Justin went trick-or-treating with his friend, Shadrach Harman. Shad was looking dapper in his werewolf costume, and Justin was the best damned thing that ever pretended to suck blood. He was pretty sure he could have seduced Dracula with his vampire costume and his own sparkly addition of glitter.
He recognized Aiden’s car rolling to a stop by the curb. The man poked his head out the driver’s side window. “I need to discuss the changes to your schedule with you. Get in.”
Justin turned to Shad. “I’ll just be a minute. Go ahead without me.”
“See you in a few.”
He got in on the passenger’s side. “What’s up?”
“You wanna tell me why you’re runnin’ around tellin’ everyone I have kids?” Aiden’s cross tone came out restrained, but his eyes were seething with anger.
Justin swallowed. “What’s wrong with that?”
“Your little lycan mate is watchin’ us. Smile.”
He put on a big grin.
“Not like the fuckin’ Cheshire Cat.”
Justin reined it in a bit.
“Shane said you told him I had kids. You mentioned them in front of Heller as well.”
“Was I not supposed to do that?”
“No, you weren’t,” Aiden snapped. “That conversation I had with you in the club on your day off back in September was private. Then you went and told Shane?”
“No. I never told him that you confided in me. I just mentioned that you had kids because Felicia and I were talking about Halloween costumes when I was at work and I wondered what your kids were gonna be this year. Shane was standing there. I didn’t tell him what we talked about.”
“So Felicia knows, too?”
Justin winced. “Yeah.”
“Fuck.” Aiden swiped his hand down his face.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had secret babies.”
“Are you being smart with me?”
“No. I just don’t understand why you don’t want anyone to know you have kids. Are you ashamed of them or something?”
“I’m not ashamed of my kids. I told you not to repeat what we talked about.”
“I didn’t.”
“That included the part about my kids.”
Justin raised his voice in frustration. “Well, you should have said that.”
“So this is my fault?”
“I thought other people knew. Normal people talk about their kids. Why am I the only one you told?”
“Don’t flatter y’rself, boy. The people raisin’ my kids know they’re mine.”
Justin shrugged. “So who cares if anybody else knows?”
Aiden’s head jerked to focus on the windshield. “It’s safer that way.”
“What, did you make babies with a crazy woman and now she wants them back or something?”
“Their mother’s dead.”
“I’m so sorry.” Justin touched his arm, but Aiden knocked his hand away, throwing him a dicey glare. Well, so much for that. “I won’t tell anybody else you have kids.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter now, does it?”
The silence felt pretty awkward.
“For what it’s worth, I really didn’t tell anyone about what you said that day when you confided in me.”
“I didn’t confide in you. I drank too much scotch and said more than I should have.”
“Well, it meant a lot, and you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out. You’ll always be safe with me.”
Aiden turned his head to look at him from where it lay against the headrest. He heaved a compromising sigh. “Maybe I should have told you not to say anything about my kids.”
“There’s a thought.” Justin’s snarky smirk waned when he saw Aiden’s aggravated expression. “Sorry.”
A pause came and went between them.
“So this is you as a vampire.”
“Yep. What do you think?”
“Are you wearin’ glitter?”
“Heck yes, Edward sparkles.”
A slow smile hitched up Aiden’s lips. “Only in sunlight.”
“Well, I sparkle all the time.”
Silence followed, during which Aiden’s gaze roamed over his face and hair, probably admiring the glitter. Amusement brought back the man’s smile.
“What’s your daughter going trick-or-treating as?”
“You’d better go. He’s waitin’ for you.”
“That’s true.”
“If he asks what this was about, tell him we were discussing your work schedule.”
“Okay.” Justin got out of the car.
“Tinker Bell,” Aiden said, causing Justin to bend down to see him through the open door. “She’s gonna be Tinker Bell.”
Justin smiled. “I bet she’s adorable.”
“She is. Off you go.”
He shut the door and then went back over to Shadrach. Sadness crept in like fog when he saw Aiden drive away.
It was lots of fun walking around like paranormal critters and getting candy with Shad, but Justin half-wished he could spend the night with Aiden and tag along with him while he took his daughter trick-or-treating.
* * * *
Charlie took Kendall to Leather & Lace for the first time on Halloween. He went as a cowboy, which she found generic and lame since he was always one in day-to-day life.
He might be too adult for costumes, but she sure as hell wasn’t. She went as a saloon girl, which complemented her handsome rancher perfectly. The costume had a black corset for a basque and a red skirt with black frills on the hem that fell to about her knees. She wore elegant black lace stockings with it and black lace-up booties that looked old-fashioned. A red rose was pinned to her hair that she’d thrown up into a loose chignon. The ensemble made her feel like a vixen in the Old West.
“You look ravishing tonight, baby,” he said, kissing her hand like the gentleman he wasn’t.
“Thank you. So do you, even if you’re a party pooper.”
He smiled. “I told you I was a cowboy.”
“Uh-huh. That’s what you were yesterday and the day before.”
“That makes me better than anyone here.” He tossed her a wink. “I’ve been preparing every day for my Halloween costume.”
She smirked as he led her toward one of the halls.
“Charlie,” some slut with big, fake eyelashes and rodeo hair said. “How have you been? You never call me anymore.”
“Hey, Sarah, wasn’t it?”
She an idiot. “No. It’s Shauna.”
“That’s what I meant,” he said.
She gave that ditzy laugh again. “What are you doing tonight?”
“My girlfriend here.” He tugged Kendall into his side.
Shauna’s smile vanished. “Oh. Well, have fun.”
She wandered off over to a man that seemed to be her date. Well, wasn’t she a winner.
“That wasn’t awkward, was it?” Charlie asked.
Kendall showed him her grr face.
He smiled a little and put his arm around her. “That was the past, Red. I’m with you now.”
“I know.”
“Anyway, I figured I’d use a few different floggers on you tonight. I brought my own with me in my bag.”
“Did you use them on Shauna?”
“Don’t be like that. I bought these for you. I know how you are.”
She pulled away. “What do you mean ‘how I am’?”
I got you all new stuff. It’s nothing to throw a hissy fit about.”
“I wasn’t.” She put her arm around him. “That was nice of you.”
“That’s better.”
“Oh my god, Charlie!” A brunette ran over to him with outstretched arms and hugged him.
Hello, I’m right here, bitch.
He patted her awkwardly. “Who are you?”
This woman had a laugh somewhere between Elmer Fudd and The Nanny. “You always had such a sense of humor.”
She slapped his arm so hard it made a noise.
“I’m Rhonda.”
“I remember you.”
“Everyone does.”
She had a really annoying, nasally voice. It surprised her that Charlie had been involved with her in the past...until her eyes went lower and she saw two enormous reasons.
“Who is this?” Rhonda asked.
“My fiancée,” Charlie said.
Oh, now she was his fiancée? The upgrade was kind of sweet of him.
“Oh my god!” Rhonda shoved him. “No way. Come here.”
She engulfed Kendall in a lung-crushing hug.
“Thank you,” she choked out.
“Oh, you must be so excited.” Rhonda appeared genuinely happy for them, which made Kendall hate her less. “I didn’t think he would ever settle down, but I always knew if he did, she had to be beautiful and have big breasts. These are great, sweetie. They feel natural.”
Oh my god.
The loud woman was touching her breasts. Kendall gave a fake laugh and moved the woman’s hands away. Charlie was smiling at this.
“I always wanted big tits, but I had to pay to get mine done.” Rhonda grabbed her boobs. “Pretty hot, aren’t they?”
Oh lord.
“Yes, they’re lovely,” Kendall said coyly.
“They feel real, too. Go ahead, touch them.”
“I’m okay.”
“Charlie never had that problem.” There came that grating laugh again and more pawing at her man.
“We’re gonna go.” Charlie guided Kendall away. “You take care of yourself.”
“Oh, I do, lamb chop. The men take pretty good care of me, too.” She winked at him before undoing a button on her blouse and strutting over to some man who smiled real big when he saw her.
Kendall glowered up at Charlie. “Is there a woman in this town you haven’t slept with?”
“Don’t be like that. I missed a few of them.”
She stopped and folded her arms. “Oh yeah, name one.”
He looked around the room and pointed to the female bartender behind the counter. “I never touched that teapot over there.”
Oh heavens, that was adorable. The young woman was dressed in a teapot costume.
“Who else?”
“I haven’t been with her or her.”
“Okay, I get it. Let’s go.”
They wandered down the hall together.
“I didn’t expect you to be celibate after we broke up,” Kendall said, “but did you have to spread so much love all over town?”
“You gave my pussy up to other men,” Charlie reminded her.
“Yeah, two. Meanwhile you were screwing half of South Dakota.”
He turned to face her. “The difference is you only had to replace me. I had it a lot harder because I was trying to replace you.”
Her heart melted. “That’s so sweet.”
“Redheads were always my favorite, but I didn’t touch any after you because it was too painful for me. I tried to replace you, but I can’t. You’re it for me. I had the good sense to protect myself while being promiscuous, if that makes you feel better.”
She held up a hand. “You should have stopped at ‘You’re it for me.’”
He gave her a half-smirk. “Sorry.”
She took his hand, wearing a demure smile. “I’m the best woman you’ve had, huh?”
“You’re the best of everything I’ve had with a woman.”
They shared a chaste kiss and then went into the private room. The décor was impressive, with a lush red theme that inspired thoughts of passion and animal lust.
“As much as I love your costume, I want you to strip for me so I can flog you,” he said.
“Okay.” She shed her shoes, stockings, and clothes. “Where do you want me?”
“On the bed. You remember your safe word?”
He smiled. “Good. Use it if you want me to stop.”
She winked at him before leaning over the bed. “When do I ever want you to stop?”
“That’s my girl. I figured I’d start you off with a rabbit flogger and a moose one. They’re pretty soft. Guess which one this is.”
The ultimate softness glided over her back.
“Oh wow. That is soft. Is that the rabbit-fur one?”
“Sure is. This is the moose flogger.”
The tails of that one were also soft, though not as much as the rabbit flogger. He set the moose one aside and brushed her skin with the rabbit-fur before using it on her. The down-soft strikes were a joke. They brought her no pain, merely plopped against her like a soft cloud, warming her.
After the warm-up, he changed to the moose flogger. This one thumped harder on her skin, but it didn’t hurt. He kept his strikes light and pleasure-inducing.
He used the moose flogger on her for a bit before switching to the rabbit-fur flogger. After a few downy caresses with the bunny strands, it was back to the soft thump of the moose tails.
The pause made her wonder if he was finished, or merely changing instruments. His hand on her shoulder made her flinch before relaxing beneath his warm touch.
“How you doing, baby?”
“I’m good.” Her voice sounded sleepy to her. She felt calm and tranquil, but not really tired.
“Good girl. I’m gonna switch to the bullhide. That all right with you?”
“Sounds good.”
His gentle kiss on her shoulder made her shiver with excitement. A cool draft supplanted his body heat when he got up. She heard movement behind her and nestled against the bed like a contented cat.
“This one’s gonna hurt. Are you ready?”
“I’m ready.”
She heard a whoosh and then felt a nip on her backside when the falls made contact with her bottom. The impact caused a sting that lingered a bit and melted into heat. He flogged her butt a few times before directing his aims to her shoulder blades, avoiding her spine. The hits on her upper back hurt more than the blows to her ass had. Apparently, having a little junk in the trunk wasn’t always a bad thing.
The slaps to the backs of her thighs had her wincing and balling her fists.
“You want me to stop?” he asked.
She moaned at the feel of his rough hand scraping over her raw flesh to soothe her. It was discomfort and pleasure at the same time.
“Please don’t stop.”
“That’s my girl.”
He kissed her back before resuming the flogging. The stings weren’t as bad after a while. She heard him set the flogger down and then gasped when she felt the moose one graze her leg. The buttery-soft tails caressed her and she melted.
She’d heard of subspace and wondered if she was in it. Either way, she felt connected to him, luxuriously calm, and like she was floating in a dream, flying high.
He started hitting her backside with the moose flogger again. She didn’t feel any pain, just light, delicious thuds that fell soft and warm on her tenderized skin.
A respite in the moose kisses was followed by soft fur gliding over her inflamed flesh. He’d reinstated the cuddly bunny flogger. Her pussy wept. She couldn’t really feel herself getting wet anymore and was only aware of her saturated folds because of the juices trickling down her inner thighs. A light sheen of sweat graced under her buttocks and the backs of her legs felt dewy as well, probably from arousal and adrenaline.
“Lie on your back, Red,” he whis
pered into her ear.
She gasped, flinching at the hot chills his hushed tone sent through her. Rolling onto her back, she felt moisture seep from her channel.
Charlie lay down on the bed with her on his side. He was still clothed and his clothing felt sublime against her awakened nerve endings.
She watched him run the rabbit fur over her skin, paying special attention to her breasts. He never could resist those. Her clit tingled in anticipation when he ran the soft flogger down her belly.
Yes, yes...
Her muscles became liquid when she felt the furry touch brush over her bare cunt. She was glad he’d shaved her. The softness was that much more potent against her naked flesh. He placed his hand down flat over the falls and moved them in a delicate back-and-forth motion over her sex. The cashmere touch of the fur felt divine on her skin, and the light stimulation on her clit coaxed hot cream from her pussy.
“I want to come,” she whispered.
“I want you to come from my kiss on your pussy.”
“Just my kiss, Kendall. No pressure. I want my mouth on you down there to have you so hot and bothered, you explode. And I want you sucking my cock like a good woman.”
She let out a feeble groan as he shifted on the bed so his crotch was by her face and his head was by her snatch.
He undid his fly and then pulled his dick out and fed it to her. “Do it, baby. Suck my cock. That’s it.”
He moaned when she slipped his erection into her mouth and began to suck gently.
Charlie ran the fur up and down her inner thigh and slowly covered her dripping pussy in kisses.
“Don’t stop sucking my cock, woman.” He pushed her head down, seeming pleased by her submissive moan. “That’s it, just like that.”
Kendall moaned at his control and the steamy kisses he dropped on her aching sex. She was turned on enough to come without direct stimulation to her clit, but she wasn’t sure if she was the type of woman who could get off on teasing kisses on her cunt.
His breathing deepened the more she suckled him. She loved the way he stiffened and his sac hardened beneath her rolling it in her hand.
The rabbit fur fondling her inner thighs drove her crazy. His smooth lips peppering her mound were to die for. Her slit was drenched and she ached inside, vagina pounding hard. She didn’t come, though. His kisses were enough to work her up, but her neglected clit was screaming obscenities at him.