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Mellie's Submission [Men of McKenna Downs 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 3
Mellie's Submission [Men of McKenna Downs 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Read online
Page 3
The dumbass frowned. “But I like her. She took care of me and gave me a place to recover from the high and hangovers. She always forgave me and let me fuck her without asking to be pleasured in return. I like that. Too many women want to come during sex. My dick should be enough.”
He clenched his fists by his sides, sorely tempted to throw his crafty plans to the wind. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he pulled the knife from his pocket and flicked it open. Such a sharp, beautiful thing. He wouldn’t kill the man now. Still, it was satisfactory to pretend he was about to. Running his thumb lightly over the blade, he imagined the pain it would bring the other man, the blood that would be shed, never to heat again from Melanie’s touch.
“You should have taken the time to learn to please her,” he said, eyeballing the knife all over like a prized trophy.
The moron shrugged. “Maybe. Nice knife you got there.”
His lips turned up slowly. “Yeah, it is a nice knife. Are you almost packed?”
“Just about. I still don’t see why I couldn’t have called anyone to let them know I was okay.”
“We’ll get to that. If anyone knows where you are they might tell Melanie. Then she’ll know you’re coming. If you want to surprise her, no one can know.”
“Fine,” the prick grumbled. “Will you at least let me call Josh? I think my dealer’s number might have changed.”
“Josh is in jail.”
“What, again? The idiot is always getting caught will illegal substances.”
He smiled at the gleaming blade. “It wasn’t drugs this time. He was arrested for murder.”
His new partner in crime gaped up at him. “Are you shitting me?”
No, but I’d like to shit on you, you worthless—
“No. He killed a woman in a hotel room.”
“No kidding. Was he high?”
He closed the knife and put it away. “Who knows?”
“That doesn’t sound like him.”
“I think you’ll find that some people you know are capable of things you never imagined…Danny.”
* * * *
“You have no hard limits?” Diego frowned at the paperwork Melanie had looked over and then filled out. She had to be holding back. Everyone had limits.
She appeared somewhat nervous. “I’m open-minded.”
He arched a skeptical brow. “Even to things like needles and fire play?”
She immediately turned squeamish and her focus fell to the dining room table. “I know how important it is to Emmett, Hunter, and Jake that I please you.”
He frowned and passed the paperwork back to her. “It’s more important to them and to me that we respect your limits, and how can we do that if you’re dishonest about what those limits are?”
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to lie. I just wanted to make you happy.”
“Tell me your hard and soft limits truthfully and I will be.”
He watched in silence while she went over the list again and filled out each section. She was dulcet and breathtaking, far more than she realized. Her long brown hair fell to just below her shoulders with a slight wave to it. The ends of her tresses looked like she’d curled them earlier. She had smooth, flawless skin and gorgeous baby blue eyes with a whisper of gray in them that hypnotized him.
And those curves of hers—lord, he could get lost in the sweet seduction of those soft, womanly curves she walked around so innocently with. She hadn’t the foggiest idea what she did to him or to his friends, even to Greyson.
Diego smiled when he thought of his best friend and secret lover. Good times. The sex they had earlier had been paralyzing and divine. He couldn’t stop thinking about it.
His only complaint was that Greyson still wouldn’t let Diego sleep with him overnight. Paranoia of someone walking in on them had to be the reason. They could always lock the bloody door, but someone might still see Diego leaving Greyson’s room in the morning, or Greyson leaving Diego’s bedroom.
Just like the honey badger, Diego didn’t give a shit. It didn’t matter to him who knew about his relationship with Greyson, but to his partner it mattered a great deal. Diego wished he could change his mind.
Melanie passed the papers to him from across the table.
Smiling, he picked the pages up and looked them over. “That’s much better. I appreciate your honesty. Knife play?”
She hesitated, seeming to withdraw for a moment to a shadowy place. “It’s a soft limit. Is that something you do?”
“I’ve never done that with a woman, but Greyson does on occasion.”
She wet her lips with her tongue.
“Melanie, if it’s not something you’re comfortable with—”
“I’m fine. I don’t mind.”
“I’m glad, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me.”
Her pretty face turned repentant. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s all right.” He leaned back in his chair. “Now, do you have any questions for me before we go into the other room?”
“None that come to mind.”
“Let’s go then.”
* * * *
Melanie couldn’t stop the trembles of desire that came over her when Diego led her into his room and then shut and locked the door. To her embarrassment and delight, she was already wet and ready. Was he erect yet? She wanted to look, but she didn’t want him to catch her looking at his groin.
“If you’re comfortable with it, tonight I will penetrate your ass with a dildo while we have sex. I might spank you while I’m at it.” A mischievous smile curved his lips upward. “Any objection to that?”
She shook her head, trying not to look too eager, but the enamored smile was probably incriminating. “No, Sir.”
Diego’s smile broadened. “Good woman. You remembered to call me Sir.”
She watched him seat himself in a chair, feeling shy when he studied her.
“Take your clothes off.”
Moisture pooled in her folds at the hot, silky cadence of his words and the heated way he looked at her. The combination was electrifying.
Slowly she undressed until she was completely nude in front of him. Hopefully he didn’t scrutinize her too intensely or ask her to do a three-sixty for him.
Yep, there we go.
Murphy had come barreling in with his precious frickin’ law. She gave a slow spin for Diego, unable to keep from blushing at his twirling finger that insisted she display herself to him.
With the exception of the eldest O’Neil, had it been Emmett, Hunter, or Jake she would have been able to do so without flushing with color. She’d gotten to know them and felt comfortable in her skin with them.
This was Diego. She didn’t know him all that well, and her only sexual encounters with him thus far had also involved at least one other O’Neil there with them. This was her first time alone with him.
Diego was quiet as he drank in her nakedness with his eyes.
“Do you think you can stomach sleeping with me, Sir?” she joked nervously.
He gave her a knowing smile. “You are utterly charming when you’re nervous, dolce.”
His appreciation helped to quell some of her coyness. “Thank you, Sir.”
“It will please me a great deal to take you to bed with me.”
Her pussy dripped and her eyes widened briefly when she felt the tiny droplet fall from her cunt.
“Is something wrong?”
She squeezed her legs together and shook her head.
“I’m not upset that your pussy is dripping on my floor,” he murmured in a dusky timbre.
The blush in her cheeks felt hotter and probably deepened with color.
“Open your legs.”
Mellie did so, feeling moisture gather. Her vagina clutched to keep the droplet from falling, but the contraction sent the tear on its way. The bead fell to the wood floor, and the room was so quiet she would swear he heard it.
The sound that emanated from him sounded guttural. “D
oes my voice make you wet, little submissive?”
Damn him to hell. Why couldn’t he sound like a donkey when he talked?
“I hope you’re not under the impression that that was a rhetorical question,” he began sternly.
Her cheeks burned and she couldn’t find the boldness to meet his feverish gaze. “Yes, Sir.”
A slow smile formed on his face from what she caught in her peripheral vision. “Emmett probably didn’t go over this with you, but while we’re in the bedroom you’re not to speak without permission if we’re doing a scene.”
“He didn’t, Sir, but I’ve heard about this kind of thing before. I’ll be quiet.”
His eyes darkened like a smoldering abyss as his lips tilted with suggestion. “Noises of passion do not count.”
She bit her bottom lip and squeezed her thighs together to keep the warm fluid of her arousal in her slit. All she succeeded in doing was smearing her cream on her inner thighs.
Lovely. Now he’s gonna see.
“My little Melanie is forgetful. Did I not tell you to keep your legs open for me?”
She widened her stance, cringing at how soaked her slit was. “Sorry.”
“Sorry, Sir,” he corrected her.
He leaned back in his chair and studied her for a full minute without saying anything. “You have no idea how arousing it is for me to see you like this—no clothes to shield you from my gaze, your eyes averted in submission, and your pussy dripping because you want me to fill you with my cock—you cannot possibly imagine what that does to me.”
His words set her body on fire and summoned more cream from within. She tried to discreetly close her legs.
“Do not close your thighs to me,” he warned in a quiet tone that got the point across. His pitch gentled to something molten. “Let it drip, Melanie, and look into my eyes while your pussy weeps for me.”
She parted her legs again and met Diego’s lewd stare. His controlling leer caused her channel to leak in compliance with his will. There was something earthshaking about staring back into the eyes of a dominant man that made her drenched and achy. His eyes flickered to her weeping slit with obvious hunger and a certain self-satisfaction that made her hot and bothered.
“Let it drip,” he whispered.
An achy spasm rippled in her pussy. When she squeezed in response to his passionate hush, more wetness dribbled from her.
“That’s more like it,” he murmured.
A wall of heat slammed into her when he licked his lips and rested his hand on his crotch. It was too much. If he kept commanding her and ogling her she just might combust. She let her gaze slide from his.
He snapped his fingers and she immediately returned her eyes to where he wanted them.
“Does your cunt ache for me?”
She blushed and had to will her attention to stay pinned to him instead of hiding like she wanted to. “Yes, Sir.”
Mellie couldn’t suppress the small moan in time when she saw his fingers flex and his knuckles firm when he squeezed his package.
“This type of sex suits you,” he told her. “Before you came to McKenna Downs you were unfulfilled. Now you’ve discovered the type of pleasure you crave and your body doesn’t know how to handle it.”
His remark conveyed pure arrogance that almost rivaled Emmett’s conceit. Almost. She was pretty sure that no man could be as full of himself as Emmett was.
Greyson struck her as pretty arrogant, too, but his pride seemed to stem more from a power trip than actual conceit.
Diego’s eyes devoured her, singeing every place he touched with his devastating leer. “Come to me.”
She approached him in a near trance because of how gorgeous and masculine he was. His eyes scanned her body over as his hands explored her slowly. Each gentle scrape of his calluses over her soft skin made her feel even more naked and feminine. It was hard not to feel like a woman when someone so virile looked at her like that and ran his big, work-roughened hands all over her body.
Now that he was distracted…
She peeked down at his crotch, biting back a tiny smile when she saw the denim swelling with lust for her.
A steady smile crept up Diego’s handsome face. “Yes, little submissive, I’m erect.”
A hot flash set her cheeks on fire. Oh good heavens, he saw her ogling his lap.
She cleared her throat, trying to find her dignity. “Maybe I was just trying to figure out what brand of jeans you wear, Sir.”
He shot her an amused glance. “I doubt that. If that were the case you would do better to stare at my ass.”
Well, so much for dignity.
“I’m glad you want me, Sir.”
“I’m neither blind nor dead. You are positively striking.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
Mellie sucked in a sudden breath when the backs of his fingers grazed her belly while he spoke in a searing hush that bewitched her. Each rampant pulse of her cunt seemed to unleash more dampness into her folds. When he put his warm, rough hand on her smooth mound, her vagina started to ache worse.
“You have a beautiful pussy, Melanie.”
The look in his eyes surprised her. The wanton hunger she’d anticipated, but not the almost amorous quality to his steamy gaze. She found it intriguing.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Go lie down on the bed with your legs dangling off.”
She obeyed, feeling a rush of excitement surge through her when she saw him approach the bed.
“Spread your labia for me.”
She did so and blushed hard when he knelt on the floor and examined her spread sex lips like he was some kind of pervert pretending to give her a physical. He didn’t say anything at first, merely eyeballed her open sex in a silence that told her nothing.
“I can tell you had a child, even if I didn’t already know.”
“Your vulva is darker.” He met her glance with a lusty smile. “I like it. There is something very sexy and irresistible about a woman who has given birth. I love the changes it brings—the darkened sex, the stretch marks—you’re breathtaking.”
The compliment and featherlight kiss to her bare mons stole the air from her lungs. He moved her fingers so her slit was no longer spread open wide.
“Thank you, Sir.”
He helped her up onto the bed so she was lying on it the way it had been designed to be slept in.
“Close your eyes.”
She shut them, fighting hard not to open them when she heard the subdued sounds of his clothes coming off. Man, she wanted to look at him. If he wanted her to keep her eyes closed, then he shouldn’t have been born so good looking or should really blindfold her. Maybe it was a test to see whether or not she would obey him.
Mellie kept her eyes closed. She heard him walking across the room and then she was bathed in darkness. He must have turned off the light. A faint click and the sudden rays of dim light suggested that he’d turned on a lamp near the bed.
Some almost soundless noises came from nearby and then her ears were treated to the rich, romantic melody of a saxophone coming from a stereo. At least she hoped it was coming from the stereo. If the man looked like a decadent dream and could play the saxophone, then it was time for some hard liquor. She didn’t really have any talents to speak of, though she was pretty dang good in the kitchen.
Her libido went haywire with giddiness when the mattress dipped, letting her know that he was on the bed with her.
“I want you to keep your hands by your side while I play with you. No touching me unless I give you permission to.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Good god, he was torturing her. She couldn’t look at his magnificent manliness or run her hands all over his tantalizing body. The saxophone was her favorite instrument and he used it to his advantage while creating a romantic ambiance with the dim light. She probably was expected not to come without his permission, no doubt. How could she
stand it? Her hurting pussy could only take so much.
Diego splayed her legs and ran his hands up and down them. His palms coasted up her body, bypassing her snatch to glide over her stomach and breasts. She balled her fists by her sides to keep from smashing his hands down hard over her swelling breasts. His thumbs raked over her perking nipples, causing them to harden all the more like tiny balls of granite.
His lips pressed gently to first one breast and then the other. Her fingers were itching to glide through his hair and travel all over his amazing body. She kept them by her sides and gave herself over to a contented sigh when she felt his lips descend toward her navel. He traced the tiny dip in her flesh with his tongue before planting numerous kisses all over her belly.
She let her legs fall open more in offering when his wonderful lips journeyed lower to lavish her pelvic area with kisses. A broken whimper slipped from her when his lips imprinted all over her needy pussy.
She almost reached for him when he moved his hands under her hips and lifted her bottom so he had greater access to her slit.
“Hands, dolce,” he patiently reminded her.
She fisted the covers to make obeying him easier.
The melodic sound of the saxophone made her think of Christmas and gave her a feeling of peace. The way he slung her legs over his shoulders drove the feeling from her. It was unnerving to have someone she didn’t know so well stationed there for as much as she wanted him to be.
When his tongue licked a line on the seam of her cunt, all doubts vanished and her nerve endings fired with life. He laved her outer lips softly, causing the skin to tingle and become slick with heat. Each delicate swipe of his tongue over her private flesh coaxed more cream from her pussy. His lips felt so soft and delicious when he nibbled her labia like she was a yummy snack.
A breathless gasp escaped her when his tongue dipped into her sex for a taste. Mellie clawed the covers and struggled to keep her eyes closed. She wanted to look at him, needed to touch him.
His thumbs gently opened her sex lips and he began to lick every inch of her weeping cunt. He laved her slit until it swelled and tingled with hot need. The way he ran circles around her entry with his tongue drove her crazy.